Principal Scientist Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC)
Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore.
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I am a principal scientist at IHPC, A*STAR.
I received my Ph.D. from Tianjin University in 2013.
Previously, I were a Research Fellow (2013-2015) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, a Research Scientist (2015-2018) at Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR, Singapore, and a Senior Scientist (2018-2021) at Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence (IIAI), UAE.
Major focuses on:
[20/2024] Happy to receive the Best Paper Award of Ophthalmic Medical Image Analysis (OMIA) Workshop in MICCAI, 2024.
[10/2024] One paper accepted by npj Digital Medicine: "Early Detection of Dementia through Retinal Imaging and Trustworthy AI".
[09/2024] Two papers accepted by NeurIPS 2024.
[09/2024] One paper accepted by EMNLP 2024: "Self-Training Large Language and Vision Assistant for Medical".
[08/2024] One paper accepted by IEEE TPAMI: "Say No to Freeloader: Protecting Intellectual Property of Your Deep Model".
[08/2024] One paper accepted by MedIA: "E2-MIL: An Explainable and Evidential Multiple Instance Learning Framework for Whole Slide Image Classification".
[07/2024] One paper accepted by IEEE TPAMI: "Structure Unbiased Adversarial Model for Medical Image Translation".
[06/2024] 11 papers accepted by MICCAI 2024.
[05/2024] One paper accepted by MedIA: "Confidence-aware multi-modality learning for eye disease screening".
[04/2024] Our paper, "Specificity-preserving RGB-D saliency detection", received the Honorable Mention Award of Computational Visual Media Journal in 2023.
[04/2024] One paper accepted by IJCV: "ViDSOD-100: A New Dataset and A Baseline Model for RGB-D Video Salient Object Detection".
[03/2024] One paper accepted by IEEE TMI: "Diverse Data Generation for Retinal Layer Segmentation with Potential Structure Modelling".
[03/2024] One paper accepted by IEEE TMI: "Instrument-tissue Interaction Detection Framework for Surgical Video Understanding".
[02/2024] 2 papers accepted by CVPR 2024.
[01/2024] One paper accepted by Genome Medicine: "Unsupervised spatially embedded deep representation of spatial transcriptomics".
[01/2024] One paper accepted by IEEE TMI: "Geometric Correspondence-Based Multimodal Learning for Ophthalmic Image Analysis".
[01/2024] Our PALM challenge paper accepted by Scientific Data: "Open Fundus Photograph Dataset with Pathologic Myopia Recognition and Anatomical Structure Annotation"
⚡"Early Detection of Dementia through Retinal Imaging and Trustworthy AI",
J. Hao, W. Kwapong, T. Shen, H. Fu, ..., and Y. Zhao, npj Digital Medicine, 2024.
"Deep Partial Multi-View Learning",
C. Zhang, Y. Cui, Z. Han, J. T. Zhou, H. Fu, and Q. Hu, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (IEEE TPAMI), 2022.[Code]